Blog Archives 2021
Best of 2021, Parenting Edition
As we wind down 2021 and the New Year approaches, I am starting to think about New Year’s Resolutions.
How to Deal with Temper Tantrums and Big Emotions in Kids of All Ages
Connecting with your child is easy when everything is going well. But what happens when things are more difficult?
Hard Life Lessons We Learned This Summer
I hope that you had a wonderful summer and that the transition back to school is going smoothly.
How Painting My Son's Bedroom Helped Me Prepare for Parenting Teenagers
When my sons were little, they shared a room. I had painted it a green color that was called “Dill Pickle”.
Finding Our Way and Supporting Our Kids as We Transition Out of the Pandemic
As we transition out of the pandemic we are in uncharted territory. Life looks like it did before the pandemic, but things are definitely different.
Cracking the Code Into the Mind and Heart of Your Tween/Teen
I am the mom of two teenage sons. While they are quick to have emotional outbursts as teens often do, I am not usually privy to what is going on inside their heads and hearts.
"Un-Attachment Parenting": Practicing the Fine Art of Letting Go
This week my youngest child turns 13 and I now am the proud mother of two teenagers.
Dreams, Puzzles, and Parenting: How I Learned to Become a Dreamer, Inspired by Jigsaw Puzzles!
I have been reflecting a lot on dreams lately. Not the sleeping kind, but the big vision and hopes you have in life.