How to Deal with Temper Tantrums and Big Emotions in Kids of All Ages
Connecting with your child is easy when everything is going well. But what happens when things are more difficult?
We have all been there. Your child is melting down. You feel stressed about work or trying to juggle caring for other children. The meltdown gets bigger, the emotions get heated and in the end there are more tears, stress and bad feelings. When it's over you feel terrible about the outcome, you’re exhausted and your confidence has just been chipped away at AGAIN.
When things get rough, fostering connection can be the difference between just limping through a difficult moment and instilling a sense of security in your child.
When your child is experiencing a big emotion they need to feel safe and seen in order to regulate. It’s normal and okay not to agree with WHY they are having such an extreme reaction to something that, to you, seems so insignificant. In spite of that mismatch you empathize with WHAT they are feeling, not why they are feeling it.
It is our job as parents to make a safe space for our kids to have ALL their BIG emotions. To show them that all kinds of feelings are ok and that they can handle them (and so can we).
It is never easy, but this skill CAN be learned. That is why I created this FREE E-Booklet: 10 Tips to Stay Connected With Your Child when they are having BIG emotions.
And it’s not just for parents of toddlers and young children either. It applies to TEENS as well. Teens are notorious for their BIG feelings and connecting with them is just as important then when they are little.
Here are the first two tips to get you started right away.
Tip #1: Be Curious
Sometimes our children cannot put their feelings into words and instead it comes out in bad behavior and BIG emotions. By being curious, you may understand what is happening below the surface. What is the message that your child is sending you? This will help you be more responsive than reactive.
Tip #2 Model Self-Regulation
See these moments as opportunities to deepen your relationship, build regulation skills (yours and theirs) and help your child’s healthy brain development.
To get ALL of the tips and how to use them, please use this link to get the E-Book directly into your InBox.
If you found this helpful, PLEASE send this along to anyone and everyone who would benefit from these tips…..and who are we kidding... THAT’S ALL OF US!!!!