The #1 Strategy for Making Meltdowns Easier!
You’ve just entered Target with the kids in tow to grab a few things. You let them know ahead of time that you won't be going to the toy section and you won’t be buying anything for them. You check for understanding and the kids give you the all clear. Proud of yourself for remembering to tell them "the plan" and confident that you can ALL do this, you head inside.
Within minutes the kids are asking to go to the toy section. It’s almost as if upon entering the store the Target smell wafted right up their noses and erased any memory of the agreement you made just moments before in the car. “I TOLD you we are NOT going to the toy section today.” Next stop, meltdown city. Not just the kids but also your own. Instead of leaving triumphant with floor cleaner, toothpaste and that last thing you needed for tonight's dinner, mission aborted. Once again you've been defeated by Target. You leave feeling embarrassed that your worst parenting was on display and full of regret for the way you spoke to your kids.
While you can't prevent meltdowns there is something you can do RIGHT away, in the moment, that will really help!
Click HERE to find out how.