To Return to School or Not to Return...? That is the Question

Everyone agrees that in-person learning is best for most kids.  Being in school provides not only the best academic learning opportunities but is essential for the social-emotional development of all children.  In addition, some kids depend on school for meals and other important services.  For many parents having kids at home is an economic stressor which makes it impossible for them to go to work or even work at home. In California, where I live, most schools have started with distance learning as mandated by the governor.  As the counties in my area see cases decreasing, schools are making plans to reopen.  While all parents have the option to continue with distance learning, many are faced with the decision of whether or not to let their child return in person. We all want our kids to go back to school, but we all want them to be safe too.  It feels like an impossible decision.  Here are 8 questions to ask yourself while you weigh the pros and cons:

  1. What are the risk factors to your kids? 

  2. Are there people in your household that are at risk of coronavirus who would be put at greater risk if your child goes to school and brings the virus home?

  3. Are you comfortable with the school’s COVID safety protocols ?  Do you know who to ask if you have questions? Is there a health monitor who is in charge of dealing with COVID in the student body?

  4. Can your child properly wear a mask all day?

  5. Are there essential services the child needs that are provided by the school?

  6. Consider whether distance learning is or is not working well for your child? Can you continue to support their learning at home?

  7. Do you need your child in school to allow you to sustain your household?

  8. Are you prepared to quarantine for two weeks if your child contracts the virus?

When you have to make a decision that isn’t straight forward, involves risk and has to do with your child and other loved ones, it feels like an impossible task. Answering these questions can help you. Talking this over with fellow parents can offer support as well. It’s always nice to know you are not alone.  Ask questions of your school administrators and look for other resources online like the CDC’s “Back To School Decision Making Tool”.   

Remember to breathe, stay grounded and trust that you know what is best for your child and your family.

If you need more support and would like some coaching in making this decision please contact True North is offering individual and group coaching sessions to help you.


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